Welcome to the official website of the kids behind SpiritedSine

Hi! I'm Luke writing this. Jade is my sister and owns the channel. I just operate it and appear in some of her videos!


More about us


More about us

We first started as Silly Poo on YouTube! Basically, On that channel, We reviewed slime and other popular fidgets circa 2017. Next we made my channel. My channel is now abandoned as LukeVids. My old channel was called AlmondFriend. I got the name from my Minecraft account's profile name. That channel is long gone and doesn't even exist anymore. I uploaded Minecraft videos on it every now and then and finally renamed my old YouTube channel to FoxiePlayz. My old history was pretty cringe and most of you don't even remember my old channel. Next we made SpiritedSine The Gamer which is now renamed to just SpiritedSine because we dont only do gaming videos now. And then I made an entire new channel I called LukeVids. It is now abandoned, but it's still on YouTube. As with that, that was the full history of SpiritedSine.

*if you haven't already

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We'd love an E-mail, especially from one of you guys! E-mail us at
